A festive event was held on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the chief Adviser on Science and Scientific activity of the Abdullayev Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Akhunzhanov Rakhmatzhan and the birthday of Sadikova Lola Renatovna, one of the women scientists of the Institute.
The speakers wished long life and good health to those who celebrate both birthdays. On behalf of the team, we cordially congratulate our mentors who have contributed to the activities and achievements of our institute so far and whose work has been invested in the development of science.photo_2023-11-03_15-46-57photo_2023-11-03_15-47-01photo_2023-11-03_15-47-04photo_2023-11-03_15-47-11photo_2023-11-03_15-47-09photo_2023-11-03_15-47-06