The history of the laboratory

The laboratory has been conducting fundamental and applied research since the establishment of the institute.

Heads of the laboratory: I.M. Isamukhamedov (1938-1957), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Academician I.Kh.Khamrabaev (1958-2002), D.Sc. (Geol.-Min.); R.Akhundzhanov (2003-2020), D.Sc. (PhD), Senior Researcher; Karimova F.B. (since 2021). The main scientific directions of the laboratory are the study of igneous and metamorphic rocks and determination of the conditions of their formation; studies of the evolution of magmatism, composition, structure of the earth’s crust; development of petrological models for the formation of endogenous deposits.

The main goal and objectives of the research carried out by the petrology laboratory

Dismemberment of igneous, metamorphic and metasomatic formations of the republic’s territory on a geodynamic basis (identification of petrogenetic types). Ore-bearing capacity of magmatism of ore regions covered by sedimentary complexes. Formational analysis and metallogeny of ultramafic, mafic, gabbro-monzonite-syenite and granitoid rock associations.

Development of criteria for ore-bearing capacity of igneous, metamorphic and metasomatic formations. It is known from numerous works that there are geochemical, mineralogical, petrochemical and petrographic signs of productivity of igneous, metamorphic and metasomatic complexes into certain types of mineralization, but many of them have not yet been identified.

Study of ultrabasite-basite magmatism, granitoid and related mineralization, which are widespread within the Republic. The problem is aimed at identifying the causes of origin and modeling the evolution of ultrabasite-basite and granitoid magmas, up to the formation of related deposits of Fe, Ti, Mn, Cr, Cu, Au, Ag, platinum group metals, rare, rare earth and other metals. Petrologists have not revealed the nature of the relationship between various mechanisms of basaltic magma formation and the diversity of their types and metallogenic specialization.

Study of the petrology of various dikes in the mining regions of Uzbekistan and determination of their petro- and ore-generating role in the formation of ore minerals, as well as identification of levels of magma formation centers, sources of endogenous mineralization and their relationship with deep geodynamic phenomena.

The study of Precambrian magmatism of the Western Tien Shan (age, ore content, genesis), determination of the role of pre-Paleozoic magmatism, metamorphism and metasomatism in the formation and development of the continental crust and ore formation is the most important problem of petrology.

Petrology of metamorphic formations and precious metal mineralization of the Central Kyzylkum, identification of patterns of metamorphism to clarify the genesis of precious metal mineralization and the nature of its distribution in the Central Kyzylkum region.

The research currently being developed in the laboratory (GEW)

Formation of reference collections of rock samples, minerals and ores from the mining regions of Uzbekistan, including their electronic database (headed by D.I. Jumaniyazov)

Bukantov togining shimolii-garbida zhoylashgan Bokali intrusive endo, exo contacts (headed by K.M. Ileshov)

“Muruntau-Kosmanachi madanli tuguni geokimyoviy zonalli hamda metallo foydali kazilmalarga istikbolli maydonlarni azhratish” (Karimova F.B.).

The laboratory is implementing several business contracts.

Projects included in the Roadmap with the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant:
- Study of alkaline metasomatism with rare earth mineralization in granitoids of Uzbekistan (Jumaniyazov D.I.).

Projects concluded with JSC ``Uzbekgeology research institute``

Development of the Garden plot 1 and 2 – mineralogic-petrographic and geotechnical research (Karimova F.B.)

Kanorsoy madan namoyondasi va Kimmatsoy, Kumushsoy, Sharqiy Kumushsoy, Zhanubiy Besapan istiqbolli maydonlarida mavzhud bulgan tog zhinslarining mineralogic-geokimyoviy, petrographer hususiyatlarini batafsil urganish (Jumaniyazov D.I.)

Kayragoch ​​madanli maydoni Okturpok site sidagi madan tanalarining va ularni kamrovchi tog zhinslarning mineralogist-petrographer hususiyatlarini ўrganish (Ileshov K.M.)

Laboratory monographs for the last 10 years

  1. Akhundzhanov R., Rafikov Ya.M., Zenkova S.O., Karimova F.B. Volcanic and plutonic associations of Uzbekistan. T.: State Enterprise “IMR”. 2019. – 270 p.
  2. Akhundzhanov R., Mamarozikov U.D., Usmanov A.I., Saidiganiev S.S., Zenkova S.O., Karimova F.B. Petrogenesis of potentially ore-bearing intrusions of Uzbekistan (on the example of the Chatkal-Kurama and Nurata regions). T. Publishing House “Fan” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2014. – 352 p.
  3. Ishbaev H.D. Xenoliths and homeogenic inclusions in igneous formations (on the example of the Kyzylkum-Kurama continental margin volcanic belt). T.: GP “NIIMR”, 2016. – 176 p.
  4. Ishbaev Kh.D., Shukurov A.Kh., Kosbergenov K.M. Dykes and mineralization of the Koytash ore field (Southern Tien Shan). – T.: “Navro’z”, 2020. – 206 p.
  5. Karimova F.B. Plutonic dikes of gold-silver deposits of the Almalyk-Angren region. T.: “Lesson Press”. 2020. – 113 p.
  6. Kurbanov A., Dalimov R., Ileshov K., Ishbaev Kh. Atlas of igneous rocks. – T.: “FAN”. 2024. – 286 p.

Currently, the petrology laboratory has 10 employees, including 1 professor, 2 doctors of science, 2 candidates of science, 2 doctoral students, 2 engineer-geologists. Research on the problem of magmatism and its connection with mineralization dates back to the founding of the institute and is still one of its main priorities.