History of laboratory
The laboratory was founded by academic Kh.M. Abdullaev in 1958 as the Metallogeny laboratory. The laboratory authorities were candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences (c.g.-m.s.) R.A. Musin (1958-1960), c.g.-m.s. T.M. Voronich (1960-1986), doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences (d.g.-m.s.) P.V. Pankratiev (1986-1996), c.g.-m.s. Yu.V. Mikhailova (1996-2007), Ph.D. M.M. Mansurov (2007-2012), d.g.-m.s. U.D. Mamarozikov (2012-2022) and U.A. Normatov (2022-2023). Currently, the laboratory is headed by PhD A.Kh. Khamraev
The main strategic direction of the laboratory
The main strategic direction of the laboratory is conducting research on the study of the patterns of formation and placement of magmatic (including volcanogenic) and metamorphogenic ore objects, the development of complex geological, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical criteria for forecasting and searching for mineralization of precious, non-ferrous, rare and rare earth metals
The actuality of the laboratory foundation
Throughout the history of endogenous geology, one of the most important problems was the establishment of genetic links between petrogenesis and ore genesis. The value of petrological and metallogenic studies is largely determined by the contribution to solving this problem. Endogenous ore formations associated with magmatism (including volcanism) and postmagmatic processes are particularly diverse and complex. Their genesis cannot be fully understood without special studies to identify the conditions of formation and patterns of their placement. Recent decades have seen significant progress in this regard, in particular, in understanding the leading role of processes associated with deep geodynamics (mantle plumes). The entire complex of endogenous ore objects, both magmatic and related postmagmatic, is the result of the evolution of a single petrogenetic process. Such an approach reveals the unity of endogenous mineral formation processes and at the same time helps to understand the more complex relationships between them than previously imagined.
With the advent of a new stage in the development of the theory of ore formation and metallogeny – from the position of the concept of deep geodynamics (mantle plumes), the ideas about the formation of deposits, the causes of the occurrence of ores, their sources are changing in many ways and, as a result, the assessment of the prospects of individual regions for certain types of minerals is changing too. Consideration of the conditions of formation and placement of mineralization of noble, rare, rare earth and associated metals from this position will allow us to identify new search criteria. It is the researches conducted on the basis of modern achievements of petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry and the theory of ore deposits that can give a new impetus to solving the problem
Scientific background of the laboratory
The laboratory staff has developed theoretical foundations for compiling metallogenic maps of the Central part of Middle Asia; deep forecast-metallogenic, etc. Scientific theses on the genetic relationship between ore genesis and petrogenesis, and the multi-stage nature of mineralization have been substantiated. The issues of the relationship between metallogeny and the deep structure of the earth’s crust, statistical metallogenic analysis, and paleometallogenic aspects of the evolution of ore formation were developed. In-depth study of ore deposits, their geological genetic and ore-formation features led to the discovery of: rare-alkaline (lithium) mineralization of an unconventional type (Shavazsay deposit), which has no direct analogues in the world (T.M.Voronich, L.M.Gleizer); substantiation of a new pyrite-polymetallic province of Southwestern Gissar (Khandiza deposit); stratiformity of the Uchkulach barite-polymetallic deposit; volcanogenic-sedimentary type (Temirkan) iron ore deposit (P.V. Pankratyev, Yu.V. Mikhailova); the establishment of a new for the region non-traditional type of complex rare metal (niobium-tantalum and rare earth) mineralization associated with ongorhyolite-leucogranite association (U.D. Mamarazikov et al.).
As a result of the research works carried out in recent years (2008-2020), new varieties of rare metal-bearing acidic rocks have been identified for the first time for the Middle Tien Shan – rare metal-bearing fayalite-containing and aegirine ongonites, ongorhyolites and leucogranites. The results served as the basis for identifying promising areas for rare and rare earth metals.