The history of the laboratory
The Laboratory of Mineralogy was founded in 1938. The first leader was Academician A.S.Uklonsky (1938-1972), who created a large school of mineralogists who made a major contribution to the study of mineralogy and geochemistry of Uzbekistan and neighboring regions. In subsequent years, the laboratory was led by M.I.Baskakov, M.I.Ismailov, E.A.Dunin-Barkovskaya, A.A.Babadzhanov, M.S.Karabayev, E.M.Amirov. Currently, the head of the laboratory is A.K.Orolov.
A.S.Uklonsky in his researches developed ideas on paragenesis of chemical elements, on natural isomorphic series of elements and their migration within the Earth crust, minerals and rocks, on isotopes’ role in natural waters’ geochemistry. Idea of paragenetic connection of natural sulfur manifestations with hydrocarbons (bitumen) allowed him to prognose large gaseous deposit in Gazli.
The laboratory conducted systematic studies of numerous deposits of ore and non-metallic minerals, as well as ore fields, large regions, and individual genetic types: lead-zinc (M.I.Moiseeva), copper-porphyry (S.T.Badalov, I.M.Golovanov), gold ore (M.I.Moiseeva, G.M.Chebotarev, S.K.Smirnova, M.S.Karabaev, E.M.Amirov, etc.), bismuth and fluorite (E.A.Dunin-Barkovskaya), tungsten (M.I.Ismailov, A.A.Babajanov, M.S.Karabaev, E.M.Amirov), epigenetic mineral formation and its role in the formation of ore concentrations in sedimentary strata (M.P.Baskakov, S.K.Smirnova et al.).
In the Laboratory was worked out one of the theoretical basement of genetic mineralogy – doctrine on typomorphysm of minerals (M.I.Moiseeva, M.I.Ismailov, E.A.Dunin-Barkovskaya, A.A.Babadjanov, S.R.Smirnova, et al.). Complex of typomorphic peculiarities of minerals, revealed in various levels of study – from megascopic features up to alteration of crystalline lattice – was allowed to work out mineralogical criteria for searching of gold, tungsten, copper, base metals and other type of mineralization and to reveal indicators of conceal mineralization.
M.I.Moiseeva grounded economic perspective of base metal deposit Kurgashinkan (Almalyk ore field) and for this prognosis she was awarded of ensign and diploma “Discoverer of deposit”. For working out of complex prognosis and evaluating mineralogical criteria of concealed tungsten mineralization and using them in practice of exploring work within Koytash deposit and positive results scientists of the Laboratory M.I.Ismailov and A.A.Babadjanov were awarded by Beruni State Prize of Uzbekistan Republic. On the base of crystallomorphic peculiarities of pyrite and gold was worked out method of ore bodies‘ level section determination. It was allowed toprognose concealed mineralized veins within gold deposits (S.K.Smirnova). G.M.Chebotarev grounded the new trend – micromineralogy – on the base of microprobe of gold and associated minerals.
The scientific staff currently working in the laboratory

Orolov Azizbek Kaimzhanovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory.

Karabaev Mamathan Sadirovich
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher.

Amirov Elmurod Mansuriddin ugli
Doctor of Philosophy of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Yusupov Abdisalim Bobomurod ugli
research intern.

Bakhtiyorov Oybek Egamberdi ugli
research intern.

Sadirov Rustam Mamatkhon ugli
research intern.

Begzhanov Diyorbek Ilkhomzhon ugli

Kudratov Ramazon Suyarkul ugli