The main strategic direction of the laboratory
The main strategic direction of the laboratory is a comprehensive study of the lithosphere of Uzbekistan at different scales – from micro (sample, sample) to macro level – layers, layers and larger geological formations in order to identify patterns of their spatial distribution in the lithosphere to predict new deposits of mineral raw materials.
The history of the laboratory
Created in 1998 on the basis of the association of two laboratories “Seismological methods for studying and modeling the structure of the earth’s crust” (headed by E.M. Butovskaya from 1963-1982, S.S. Seiduzova – 1982-1988) and “Field seismometry of deep structures of ore regions and seismogenic zones” (headed by T.E. Ergeshev). From 1998-2002 The laboratory was headed by PhD T.E. Ergeshev, from 2003-2011. headed by DSc in Physics and Mathematics S.Kh. Maksudov, from 2012-2022. headed by DSc in Geology and Mineralogy I.P. Sidorova, from 2022 to present PhD in Geology and Mineralogy R.I. Saxobidinov.
Prior to the organization of the joint laboratory, work was carried out to study the Еarth’s crust of the Pamirs and Tien Shan within the framework of the International Pamir-Himalayan project. The vertical and horizontal heterogeneity of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle, the multilayer-block structure of the lithosphere, the thickness of the earth’s crust – a maximum of 85 km, the boundaries of sections, a clear expression of the roots of mountain structures and the correspondence of mantle protrusions to depressions have been established. With the reorganization, the laboratory was connected to the implementation of the International Project No. 354 “Relationship between the concentration of metals and the deep structure of the lithosphere”, within which the role of deep structures of the lithosphere in the origin of large and super-large ore deposits was studied. As a result of the research, in general for Uzbekistan, the main geological and geophysical parameters that control the formation of large and super-large deposits have been identified.
Main tasks
Relevance of laboratory activities
Studies of the structure of the lithosphere (“λίθος [lithos]” – the solid shell of the Earth translated from Greek) is fundamental knowledge in the forecast of large and ultra-large deposits, both for liquid hydrocarbons (oil, gas) and solid ore (gold, silver, polymetals ) minerals.
The laboratory “Structure of the Lithosphere” conducts a comprehensive geophysical study of the deep structure of the lithosphere of Central Asia; establishing the features of the deep tectonics of ore fields, deposits and seismogenic zones; determining the physical state of matter in various horizons of the Earth’s crust and the nature of intracortical boundaries; identifying the features of geophysical fields (gravity, magnetotelluric, temperature) for predictive assessment of territories on the finding minerals; clarifying the nature of deep geophysical processes on the territory of the Republic.
Scientific results of the laboratory
Comprehensive geophysical studies are carried out on the ore deposits of Uzbekistan, as a result of which the features of the dynamics of the evolution of the deep structures of the lithosphere are revealed; the morphology of the relief of the Mohorovichich boundary and its relationship with high and low-velocity objects of the lithosphere. Based on geological and geophysical studies, five main ore-magmatic concenters have been identified: 1. Central Kyzylkum; 2. Chatkal-Kurama; 3. Nurata; 4. Sultanuvais; 5. South-Western Gissar.
A methodology for creating integrated models has been developed and tested, including two successive stages: a) a methodology for complex geological and geophysical processing, interpretation of potential fields and profiles of deep seismic sounding; b) a methodology for creating a combined interactive 3-D model in ArcGIS (in combination with remote sensing materials).
A three-dimensional spatial dynamic model of the Central Kyzylkum Ore-Magmatic Concentre has been created on the basis of a comprehensive methodology, including an integrated analysis of the placement of deep structures, interrelations of objects and phenomena using modern methods of spatial analysis and geomodeling.
Petrological and geophysical models of the deep structure of the ore regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular, the Central Kyzylkum ore-magmatic concentre, have been developed. A forecast has been made for the search for new deposits of the Muruntau and Kyzylkum types.
Digital maps of the gravitational field of Uzbekistan and the Moho surface have been created, taking into account the latest results of seismic studies. Their analysis makes it possible, along with solving theoretical issues of geology and seismology, to set purely practical tasks – to investigate the connections between the deep structure of the earth’s crust and the structure of its upper horizons.
An integrated forecast map of mineral deposits in the Nurata region has been created, including both outcrops and deep isohypses of the surface of the Pre-Mesozoic basement, contours of intrusions and their buried extensions according to potential fields and new forecast areas for gold and gold-silver mineralization.
A computational program for calculating percolation processes occurring in rock samples has been developed and patented (certificate for the software product “Percolationcheck” No. DGU 01170. These studies provide a good theoretical and practical basis for further searches for unique substances identified at the microlevel on a larger scale.
Also, the laboratory has developed a computer program in the programming language “Wolfram Mathematica7”, which allows mathematical modeling to separate seismic P, S waves by the method of theoretical rotation of the horizontal axes of seismic receivers. The method improves the ability to determine the origin of P and S waves on a seismogram. Certificates for the software product of the Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been obtained.
A series of maps has been created characterizing anomalies of heat flow in the territory of our Republic (certificate No. BGU 00339), temperature distributions and their gradients, which made it possible to identify the main features of thermal fields and thermal anomalies at different levels of the earth’s crust. From 2019-2023, research was conducted on the topic of Exploration No. 284 “Geophysical study of geothermal anomalies of the Kyzylkum, Gissar, Almalyk-Angren regions in order to clarify their contours and develop scientific and practical recommendations on the use of low- and high-potential sources of geothermal energy.” Comprehensive geophysical studies were carried out on three areas with a high value of heat flux density – Mutenbai (Central Kyzylkum region), Krasnogorsk (Almalyk-Angren region), Bayangora (Gissar region). Density and geoelectric sections have been obtained, as well as three-dimensional models with geothermal well sites for trial drilling and construction of binary geothermal stations.
Currently, the laboratory is implementing (1) a grant project under the MUNIS program of the World Bank on the topic REP-1/5 “Development of renewable geothermal energy in Uzbekistan”, (2) the project of state program (exploration) on the theme “Integrated geophysical studies (gravimetric, magnetotelluric) for the detection and assessment of petrothermal heat in the Khorezm area of the Aral Sea and (3) the project on the roadmap of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Geophysical research on the Western Tamdytau area for the search for the Muruntau type deposit”.