
  • a comprehensive study of the deep geological structure of the earth’s crust, especially its upper part, accessible for mining;
  • creation of three-dimensional models of ore regions by geological and geophysical methods.


  • identification of the features of the structure and geodynamics of the lithosphere by modern remote and geophysical methods for deep prediction of hidden deposits of non-ferrous and precious metals;
  • ensuring the sustainable development of geological and geographical systems and the prevention of natural and man-made hazards

The most part of the researches, conducted in the laboratory are fundamental. We create integrated models of geological structure according to the data of the complex geological and geophysical processing, interpretation of regional potential fields and GIS-technologies, create the three-dimensional visualizations of deep objects, show a correlation between the location of deposits and fault zones in the earth’s crust.

Laboratory staff present its achievements at world geological forums and develop international cooperation.

The laboratory has modern geophysical equipment and software: high-precision proton magnetometers GSM-19 (Canada), digital seismic station Lakkolit-24, electrical exploration station MERI (Russia). To create digital 3D maps, we have licensed software ARCGIS10.2, ERDAS IMAGINE PROFESSIONAL, ENVI 5.4.

В лаборатории имеется современное геофизическое оборудование и программные средства: высокоточные протонные магнитометры GSM19 (США), цифровая сейсмостанция Лакколит-24, электроразведочная станция МЭРИ (Россия). Для создания цифровых 3D карт имеется лицензионное программное обеспечение ARCGIS10.2, ERDAS IMAGINE PROFESSIONAL, ENVI 5.4.